Friday, November 23, 2007

Having a Hard Time

So I am home for Thanksgiving which has been SO wonderful :). Things have been so hecktic though, and out of my control (not that they ever are in my control). I just feel like everything that was stable is now being shaken upside down. All I can do is thank God for all of the things that are unchanging, including His love and mercy. I'm praying for kindness and patience, which is not coming as easily sadly.

I hope that your holidays are wonderful, and that you let the people you love and valuable most know that you do. Everything can change in an instant, and I am experiencing that right now. I'm going to try to live in the moment, and be thankful for for those beautiful moments God gives me.

1 comment:

Muetteronomy said...

I think Gary helped you out quite a bit, but I'm going to put my two cents in. I hope you are continuing to focus on loving others rather than yourself. I'll be praying for the situation, as well as for God to give you strength in the meantime. Put the anger aside, and just love.